通过指令调节AS3992 ST25RU3992 UHF RFID的输出功率

2017-12-08 16:11:03 194

How to change the output level of this AS3992 reader?

The transmitted power and receiving sensitivity of the reader will have an impact on the distance that the reader can identify the tags if they change.
The default output power of the AS3992 chip on our redader module is -6dBm.
We use an external power amplifier (20dBm) on the board. Then how to change the output power of this AS3992?

The output power of AS3992 can be set by bit 0~bit 4 of “Modulator control register (15)”. You can see this from “AS3992 Datasheet.pdf”.
The range can be set is 0dB ~ -19dB.

When we want to read or write the AS3992’s registers, we will use this commands below.
Now I read the data of Modulator control register (15). It shows “06 3F 20”. Then I write 0x203F00 into the Modulator control register (15).
Note: The low byte first no matter to read or write.

When you use the USB version, we can set the output level by the “AS399x Reader Suite Setup 1.4.exe”.


完全兼容AMS官方价值RMB 4000元的Roger开发板。适合客户做RFID的二次开发。我们是模块产品,可以通过普通Uart接口把模块集成到您的项目中。我们的价格只是原厂的四分之一!!!!!

Uart串口UHF RFID读写器 915M 无源GEN2超高频读写模块 AS3992


RFID 读写器系统包括如下部分:

电源适配器+3.0~3.3V/2A       一个      赠送

RFID 读写模块 一块

RFID 读写天线 (单独选配)

1、3dBi PCB MMCX口 UHF 天线:尺寸 4.5cm*4.1cm


2、5dBi PCB MMCX口 UHF 天线:尺寸 10cm * 10cm


3、【推荐!!】8dBi 板状定向圆极化 MMCX口 UHF 天线:尺寸 22.5cm*22.5cm


与PC 机连接的通信电缆 一条     赠送

EPC UHF GEN2 电子标签 一个    赠送

RFID 读写器开发资料SDK及应用程序    赠送

更多资料、手册,在 http://www.eleckits.com    下载频道 UHF RFID页面可以直接下载。

您还可以登陆 http://rfid.eleckits.com 下载更多相关资料。


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